Moontown Sounds for your Project

We partner with talented independent artists to make songs we love. We structure our deals with artists to ensure that we can always license songs quickly and efficiently.  Additionally, we can provide all session data from tracks so you can edit works to fit your needs.


We are excited to begin offering easily cleared music from great independent artists in our orbit. These works represent some of best independent music from the gulf coast (that wasn't made at Moontown). We work with artists on the front end to properly document all rights and metadata  to ensure that we can move as quickly as your project. LAUNCH_MOONTOWN_ORBIT.

Check out our catalogue on DISCO. We are adding new artists and tracks weekly.


Original Songs

We are musicians, audio engineers and producers. We love making new songs. It is why we are in the universe. We will have the time of our lives creating a song for you.

We work out of a professional recording studio and are fortunate to collaborate with many independent artist from most genres. Our in-house capabilities and network of independent artists enable us to create works quickly and cost effectively.

Please contact us using the form below to let us know what you are looking for. We would love to write and record you a song. Let us know what you need and we will be in touch in a day to discuss your project.


